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9101 Lamar Ave.
Overland Park, KS


Bethany Lutheran School in Overland Park, KS provides an environment of academic excellence and Christ-centered education, sending well-equipped and empowered Christian disciples to serve in God’s world.

Curriculum At a Glance

At Bethany we have aligned our curriculum with the standards listed below for each grade. We see these standards as a minimum, and often go beyond them in many subjects in each grade. This alignment is important, as it ensures a student in our school receives all necessary instruction in all content areas when progressing from grade to grade.  

In 6th-8th grade, we offer two math tracks. Our standard track provides a general math course in 6th grade, pre-algebra in 7th grade, and algebra in 8th grade. This puts a student in approximately the top 25% of freshman students in high school. Our advanced track provides pre-algebra in 6th grade, algebra in 7th grade, and geometry in 8th grade. This puts a student in approximately the top 10% of freshman students in high school.

The curriculum-at-a-glance packets below can take a little time to load, as they are several pages long.  After clicking on one be patient as it loads and you should be able to scroll through to read the standards covered in each core subject.

Curriculum at a glance for each grade:


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Sixth Grade

Seventh Grade

Eighth Grade